I have received a number of emails in recent weeks regarding the Selsdon Centre for the Retired, and I hope this blog will explain some of the facts behind this issue.
Croydon Council used to allow the Voluntary and Community Sector to occupy many of its buildings rent free. Unfortunately, in some cases this led to poor utilisation and mismanagement of some facilities. A previous Council Administration therefore stopped letting out its buildings rent-free, and instead allowed organisations like the Selsdon Centre to apply for a ‘Rent Subsidy’ scheme. This improved management procedures.
Due to Croydon Council's bankruptcy, the previous Administration then went on to end the Rent Subsidy scheme in the 2021-22 Budget. This was done in the final year of the previous Administration before I was elected as Mayor. The change was delayed for two years to allow the affected organisations to adapt to the change. I have attached a screenshot below from the 2021-22 Budget which shows the change. You can view the full document HERE, with the ending of the Rent Subsidy on Page 76.
The rent subsidy scheme subsequently ended on 31st March 2023.
Other Council funds which were previously available to the Selsdon Centre for the Retired include:
- Discretionary Rate Relief, which was abolished by the previous Administration's 2021-22 Budget;
- Community Grants, which were also abolished by the previous Administration's 2021-22 Budget.
In 2022, the Council met with many representatives of groups occupying council-owned buildings to discuss the impact of recent changes, including the trustees of the Selsdon Centre for the Retired. There were discussions about what steps could be taken to improve the organisation’s financial outlook, including options to let their space to other groups when they were not using it, exploring a partnership with Selsdon Contact (another community group based in the same building), and a short-term waiving of the service charge.
I recognise the important role that the local Voluntary, Community and Faith Sector organisations such as the Selsdon Centre play in Croydon serving our residents. Despite the financial challenges that Croydon faces, I want to see a vibrant sector in Croydon with an open and collaborative relationship with the Council. Increasingly, the Council needs to take a more enabling role rather than providing funding itself. With this in mind, the Council has engaged with the wider community to shape the support we can offer. Some of which has already been successfully taken up by many voluntary organisations.
These include:
• Supporting the sector to secure wider investment from other funding sources.
• Improving the Council’s webpages that relate to VCFS support.
• Providing Bid Writing Training, including 121 support.
• Providing a ‘Letter of Support’ service.
• Supporting Community Asset Transfers (where appropriate) to allow community groups to take on long-leases on premises (and thereby access external funding opportunities).
• Supporting VCFS organisations to bid for Council and Health service contracts.
I hope that moving forward the sector will be able to access more Council contracts than before, benefit from the social value of many of our contracts as well as bringing in external funding from elsewhere, so that these important services can continue for the benefit of our residents. In the meantime, we are actively exploring more long-term sustainable options with the Selsdon Centre and its Trustees.